Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ways to Prevent Stretch Marks As Best as Possible

Preventing stretch marks from occurring can be done and with this list you will gain the tools to limit the possibility of getting stretch marks. I say possibiliy cause there is no promise that doing these things will keep you from getting them. I tried everything and still got them, but they run in my family, I know, excuses, but it is true. Between 75 and 90 percent of all pregnant women will develop stretch marks but  the worse thing about it  is that once stretch marks have developed, they are permanent and rarely disappear completly. Another well known fact regarding stretch marks is that genetics play a role in whether or not you get them and how bad they are. This means that if your mother had them, there is almost a one hundred percent certainty that you will develop these marks as well. Following the five guidelines is your best bet against preventing stretch marks. But the ideas in this list are also a good way to improve the overall condition of your health.

1. Don’t forget to moisturize. Keep your skin moisturized daily, before bed is the best time because it gives your body a chance to soak it all in. This may help in preventing stretch marks from developing. There are many creams and oils that are especially made just to do this, but any lotion will do, I am partial to oatmeal lotions, cause I have senstive skin. As far as the best lotions to use, using products with ingredients like vitamins E, A, & D3, emu oil, aloe vera, cocoa butter, lanolin, and squalene oil will help improve the skin’s elasticity. Elasticity is important in preventing stretch marks. These formulas are designed to enhance collagen production and support the structure of your skin.But in my experience and from what I have read, some studies have shown that using creams and oils might have a limited effect on the skin. Just remember it is important to use different preventive measures all at the same to achieve your goal of preventing stretch marks.

2. Drink a lot of water. This will help keep the skin stay hydrated. Doctors believe that drinking a lot of water will increase the suppleness of your skin and make your skin clearer as well.

3. Massage the prone areas with a body brush or wash cloth.  The increase in blood circulation on those parts can help you avoid unsightly marks.

4. Eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet can also be beneficial for you in more ways than one. A diet high in fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that will help your skin be more elastic and also help your skin return to its normal state after giving birth or gaining/losing weight. Taking  vitamins will also give you the benefits of healthy and beautiful skin.

5. Control your weight. When you eat right you will also be rewarded with the added benefit of having control over your weight. That way you will be able to avoid gaining too much and because rapid and excessive weight gain will compound the problem of stretch marks.

Cont...with How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

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